Intel(R) Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (Intel(R) MKL-DNN)  0.17
Performance library for Deep Learning
Classes | Functions


class  mkldnn::handle_traits< T >
 A class that provides the destructor for an Intel(R) MKL-DNN C handle. More...
class  mkldnn::handle< T, traits >
 A class for wrapping an Intel(R) MKL-DNN handle. It is used as the base class for primitive (mkldnn_primitive_t), engine (mkldnn_engine_t), and stream (mkldnn_stream_t) handles. An object of the mkldnn::handle class can be passed by value. This class enables wrapping: More...
class  mkldnn::primitive
 Base class for all computational primitives. More...
struct  mkldnn::error
 Intel(R) MKL-DNN exception class. More...


mkldnn_primitive_kind_t mkldnn::convert_to_c (primitive::kind akind)
 mkldnn::primitive::at::operator primitive () const
 Returns the specified output. More...
const_mkldnn_primitive_desc_t mkldnn::primitive::get_primitive_desc () const
 Returns the descriptor of the underlying C API primitive. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ convert_to_c()

mkldnn_primitive_kind_t mkldnn::convert_to_c ( primitive::kind  akind)

◆ operator primitive()

mkldnn::primitive::at::operator primitive ( ) const

Returns the specified output.

◆ get_primitive_desc()

const_mkldnn_primitive_desc_t mkldnn::primitive::get_primitive_desc ( ) const

Returns the descriptor of the underlying C API primitive.